Our Student's
Our students attend classes ranging from Kindergarten to Year 12.
Our students are very talented and have many interests. They regularly have opportunities to work with the Indigenous Hip Hop Projects group during school activities such as Desert Dust Up, as well as during school holidays.
Desert Dust Up 2017 Warburton - Dust Up is a festival based on sharing education and knowledge, as well as being a celebration across the lands. Our school campuses at Warburton, Warakurna, Jameson, Wanarn, Blackstone, Wingellina, Tjukurla & Kiwirrkurra - 8 communities within the Ngaanyatjarra Lands - come together as one for 3 days of festivities. The festival is structured around sport and athletics, music, dance and visual arts, health, strength and celebrating all things that bring our campus communities together.
Make sure you check out the 2017 Desert Dust Up music video created by with a strong and powerful message around education and learning not only in a school setting, but for your life in how you want to treat people and be treated in return. Respect.
Desert Dust Up 2016 Warakurna - The Ngaanyatjarra Lands School and IHHP came together in Warakurna to make another deadly song about Desert Dust Up 2016. Everyone involved had a great time; all the students, teachers and community. The high school students from Warburton wrote the song in a literacy program, and help with setting up and recording the vocals. They thought about all the schools of The Lands, and what each community is famous for.
Desert Dust Up 2015 Warburton - The Ngaanyatjarra Lands School and IHHP came together in Warbuton to make this song about Dust Up 2015. As always it was a fun creative experience for the students, teachers and parents and IHHP.
Desert Dust Up 2014 Warakurna - The Ngaanyatjarra Lands School and IHHP are proud to bring you this video about the Desert Dust Up school carnival. The annual Desert Dust Up event brings together eight schools from the Ngaanyatjarra Lands for three days of fun activities including hip hop, art, skateboarding and culture workshops, active games and interactive health education sessions.
IHHP - Western Desert WA (Dance Tour) - The Ngaanyatjarra Shire and IHHP joined together to create this video. Working with the staff and students from Warburton, Blackstone, Warakurna, Wanarn, Jameson, Wingellina and Kiwirrkurra Schools we proved that school can be fun. Bringing dancing and music into the class rooms, we engage with the students and teach the importance of having a 'Strong Mind, Strong Body, Strong Spirit and Strong Culture'.